Enhancement of school cultureGood morning, Mrs Poh, Mrs Koh, teachers and fellow Andersonians. As most of you may know, a strong a positive school culture in Anderson and our achievements in school are pretty much interrelated to one another. Today, I will be sharing with you the importance of a positive school culture as well as how we could help in enhancing our this school culture of ours.
Most of you might know the ANDE values and their many applications in our school culture. Think of a time when you nearly want to give up because of a competition you have lost or an examination you have failed. No matter how serious the situation is, you will always have friends and teachers who will shower some compassion and support to help you get back on your own feet again, and perhaps help you show a lot of determination and resilience in tough times, wouldn't you? It is by this caring action that will help us achieve the goal that we want, be it obtaining a Gold With Honours at the Singapore Youth Festival or the champion position for a sports competition.
This brings me to another two values, Excellence in our Endeavours and Daring in Our Dreams. As I have mentioned earlier, we need to display a sense of determination in order to achieve the shared goal that we desire, be it in a co-curricular activity or our classes. In spite of the limited amount of time for preparation, we always have to give our best during the actual occasion itself. There you have it, a combination of Excellence in our Endeavours and Daring in Our Dreams put in place, coupled with high expectations placed by the school. Without these values, how could the euphoria from our achievements, the many gold awards from the SYF the previous year and our day off from our exemplary "O" Level results be made possible?
As we are merely at the beginning of a new school year, I am sure most of you are enthusiastic about adding spice to the school culture. With Inspiring Mondays that are here for students and teachers alike to share inspiring stories and testimonials that instill the ANDE values, why not grab this opportunity to spread the importance of our our ANDE values to each other, especially to the new secondary one juniors who have just entered our school? With the trend of celebrating your classmate's birthdays in the canteen, why not give a little care that would make the celebrations a blessing? Even as the teachers give us extra lessons throughout the whole school year, why not set up a small peer tutoring group with your teachers and meet up in the school library when you are free?
Those are just some of my suggestions for you to seize the opportunity to enhance our school culture. However, as we walk through an uneven pathway in our campus lives, let us start small by loving one another as friends, and celebrating each other victories, no matter how significant they are. With that, I thank you for your kindest attention.